Why Should You Choose Greater American Roofing?

Why Should You Choose Greater American Roofing? By Your Trusted Louisville KY Roofing Replacing your roof is a big decision. You want to ensure you are choosing the best company for the job to avoid any regret or headaches later. It’s an important investment, and selecting the right roofing contractor will be key to a […]

6-Questions to Ask Your Roofer Before Signing A Contract

6-Questions to Ask Your Roofer Before Signing A Contract By Louisville KY Roofing Hiring a roofing contractor is an important decision. While all components of your home are important, your roof holds a special significance. It keeps your home insulated and provides the protection you need against the elements. When choosing a roofing contractor, it’s […]

A Leading Louisville, KY-based Roofing Company President Receives IKO CodePlus Certification

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 23, 2022 CONTACT Greater American Roofing Louisville, KY​ 502-215-0300 alec@greateramericanroofing.com A Leading Louisville, KY-based Roofing Company President Receives IKO CodePlus Certification Louisville, KY – Alec Watterson, President of Greater American Roofing, achieved certification in the CodePlus Performance Program as IKO showcases its latest, cutting-edge innovations in its commercial and […]

Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Do

Roof Maintenance Tips Every Homeowner Should Do Roof maintenance is often overlooked because it can seem to be a little overwhelming. That’s actually not true, but, there are some steps every homeowner can take to keep their roof in top shape, whether it be for protection against weather damage or just because you like to […]

Greater American Roofing Honored with 2022 National Asphalt Roofing Award

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 28, 2022 CONTACT Amie Goscinski, ARMA Director of Marketing & Communications (443)640-1075 agoscinski@asphaltroofing.org Greater American Roofing Honored with 2022 National Asphalt Roofing Award Atlanta, GA (January 28, 2022) – The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA), a trade association representing North America’s asphalt roofing manufacturing companies and their raw material […]